New technologies are routinely blamed for taking the joy out of medicine. Physicians often feel overwhelmed by the demands and impersonality of electronics.However, when embraced and used skillfully, these digital tools can have a positive effect on the patient experience, bolster revenue, and make the practice of medicine far more satisfying and rewarding. These capabilities are crucial, in fact, to keeping and building long-term relationships with patients.

Between 2012 and 2016, office visits to U.S. primary care physicians declined 18 percent for adults under 65 years old with employer-sponsored health insurance. From 2007 to 2016, visits to urgent care clinics surged 1,725 percent .2 For primary care physicians to stay competitive, they must rethink how they deliver care and take into account the needs and desires of patients as consumers of healthcare. For primary care physicians to stay competitive, they must rethink how they deliver care and take into account the needs and desires of patients as consumers of healthcare.

In this whitepaper, you will learn how to use communications technologies, data analysis, and modernized ideals of customer service to build and maintain relationships with patients even when they’re outside your office. A deeper understanding of today’s patients and a willingness to embrace cutting-edge technologies and data analysis will allow you to reinvigorate your practice, solidify patient relationships, and attract new patients to your practice.

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1. Medscape National Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2018

2. Trends In Primary Care Visits

3. Survey: 5 Millennial Trends Altering the Delivery of Healthcare

4. Healthcare consumerism 2018: An update on the journey

5. Analysis of High Deductible Health Plans

6. The Everything Guide to Millennials

7. Is patient empowerment the key to promote adherence?

8. Higher Primary Care Physician Continuity is Associated With Lower Costs and Hospitalizations

9. Lags in Interoperability and Enterprise Mobile Tech Strategy Don’t Impede Secure Messaging Adoption, Black Book Cybersecurity Survey

10. National Institutes of Health

11. Social Media Fact Sheet

12. Patient Satisfaction Survey as a Tool Towards Quality Improvement

13. 35 Customer Experience Statistics You Need to Know for 2019

14. Final Policy, Payment, and Quality Provisions Changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 2019

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